

Authors: Awodi Joel Ochala, Abiodun Davies Obaromi, Ebiloma Innah, Peter Enojo Onoja4

The Abuja-Lokoja highway is experiencing increased vehicular movement and industrial activities occasioned by population growth and rural-urban migration. The emission from these vehicles and industries has detrimental effects on the air quality along the route vis-a-vis the health of persons living along the highway. The footprints of heavy metals from vehicular and industrial emissions are stored in near-by trees through bio-accumulation. In order to investigate the level of air pollution and pollution source along Abuja-Lokoja highway, the bark of tree is used as bio-indicator. Samples picked along the highway were subjected to AAS analysis to determine the concentration of some heavy metal composition. The graphical analysis on results revealed three zones of significant pollution. With moderate level of confidence, the pollution in these zones is attributed to geological and industrial sources. This study recommends frequent pollution monitoring in the area to prevent further environmental degradation.

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