
Proximate analysis of crude palm oil samples collected from Kogi East, Nigeria

Authors: Ismaila Ayuba Ichado A.S.P Mohammed Nazir

This research work was carried out to ascertain whether the local palm oil met the required standard. The analytical test carried out includes the free fatty acid, peroxide value, carotene content. The specific gravity of the sample and that of water, while its moisture content was analyzed by oven drying the sample for a particular period of time. The procedure were the same except different indicator that was used for some test e.g. starch solution was for peroxide while free fatty acid used phenolphthalein as their titration process. The results show that the palm oil sample under consideration has a value of specific gravity -0.915g, free fatty acid of -23.97%, peroxide value -26mg, therefore, the results obtained showed that the oil sample meets the required standard but needed a little purification process on the moisture content as compared with the international requirements.

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